Humans often make sense of reality in binaries. What would happen if we temporarily suspended such reductionist tendencies in the context of both gender identity and romantic relationship types? Esaú Gozalo will tell us all about it.
Esaú is a multimedia designer who lives in Segovia, a small town in Spain. He's animated by the intersections across art and tech, social change, and spirituality.
Esaú's early experience exploring multiple gender expressions;
Esaú coming out of the closet as both he and they;
(skip to 46m55s to listen to:) Definition of traditional and serial monogamy;
Definition of consensual non-monogamy, polyamory, and monogamy;
Esaú's experience of opening up his romantic relationship;
How Esaú reminds himself to live a waking life.
Creator & Host: Carlota Guedes.
Music Audio Producer & Editor: Carlos Sierra.
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Love & Freedom by Jorge Ferrer
Clip from Teal Swan about break ups
Further sources included in our newsletter
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